Disabled Dogs: 3 PRO TEAM Nutritional Supplements


Disabled Dogs: Our 3 Perfectly Adapted PRO TEAM Nutritional Supplements

Disabled Dogs: We Explain Everything!

Disabled dogs face daily challenges that affect not only their mobility but also their overall health. Whether they’ve lost a limb, suffer from partial paralysis, or use a cart to move around, these dogs require special attention when it comes to nutrition. PRO TEAM supplements, such as N-UTRIPROTECT, N-UTRIBOOST, and LONG RUN energy bars, offer targeted support to help maintain their well-being, particularly in terms of joint, tendon health, and weight management. Discover how these products can assist and support disabled dogs in their daily lives.

What is a Disabled Dog?

A disabled dog is one that has lost part of its mobility due to illness, injury, or a congenital condition. The most common disabilities in dogs include:

  • Amputations: Loss of one or more limbs due to an accident or illness.
  • Partial or complete paralysis: Often caused by neurological issues or spinal injuries.
  • Hip or elbow dysplasia: Joint malformations that lead to pain and reduced mobility.
  • Arthritis: Joint deterioration that causes pain and stiffness, often in elderly or overweight dogs.
  • Myopathy: Muscle weakness that can limit the dog’s ability to move.

These conditions can make every movement painful and exhausting, increasing the risk of secondary injuries, including tendon and joint problems.

Why Do Disabled Dogs Need Specific Supplements?

Due to their condition, disabled dogs often put extra strain on their joints and tendons to compensate for their disability. This overuse can lead to inflammation, pain, and premature wear and tear on joints and tendons. Additionally, these dogs are more prone to gaining weight, which can worsen their disability by placing extra pressure on already fragile joints.

Nutritional supplements are essential for:

  • Supporting joint health: Reducing inflammation, strengthening tendons, and protecting joints from wear and tear.
  • Maintaining balanced energy levels: Providing the necessary energy without causing excessive weight gain.
  • Strengthening the immune system: Helping the dog resist infections and illnesses, especially when less mobile.

PRO TEAM Supplements for Disabled Dogs

1 – PRO TEAM N-UTRIPROTECT: Joint and Tendon Protection

Disabled Dogs : N-UTRIPROTECT helps minimize these risks by strengthening joint structures and reducing inflammation, allowing your dog to move more comfortably.

  • What is PRO TEAM N-UTRIPROTECT? N-UTRIPROTECT is a specially formulated supplement designed to protect and strengthen the joints and tendons of dogs. It contains essential ingredients like glucosamine, chondroitin, and omega-3 fatty acids, known for reducing inflammation and promoting cartilage regeneration.
  • Why is it crucial for disabled dogs? Disabled dogs put extra pressure on their joints and tendons, which can lead to chronic pain and reduced mobility. N-UTRIPROTECT helps minimize these risks by strengthening joint structures and reducing inflammation, allowing your dog to move more comfortably.

2 – PRO TEAM N-UTRIBOOST: Energy Support Without Weight GainDisabled dogs : N-UTRIBOOST provides balanced energy, ideal for dogs that need to stay active without risking weight gain. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids that support muscle function and recovery.

  • What is PRO TEAM N-UTRIBOOST? N-UTRIBOOST is designed to provide sustainable energy while being low in calories, helping to keep your dog’s weight under control.
  • How does it help disabled dogs? One of the biggest challenges for disabled dogs is maintaining a healthy weight, as exercise can be limited. N-UTRIBOOST provides balanced energy, ideal for dogs that need to stay active without risking weight gain. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids that support muscle function and recovery.

3 – PRO TEAM LONG RUN Energy Bars: Immediate Boost for Active MomentsDisabled Dogs : Whether it’s a short walk or a physiotherapy session, the Long Run bar provides the necessary energy for these activities without adding unnecessary calories to their diet.

  • What is the PRO TEAM LONG RUN bar? The Long Run bar is a convenient energy bar that offers a quick energy boost for dogs, especially before or after physical activity.
  • Why is it beneficial for disabled dogs? Although their mobility is reduced, disabled dogs still need physical stimulation. Whether it’s a short walk or a physiotherapy session, the Long Run bar provides the necessary energy for these activities without adding unnecessary calories to their diet. This helps maintain their vitality while effectively managing their weight.

How to Incorporate These Supplements into a Disabled Dog’s Routine

Adjust the Doses

Every dog is unique, especially when it comes to disabilities. It is essential to follow dosage recommendations for each supplement based on your dog’s weight, age, and activity level. If in doubt, a veterinarian can help adjust these doses to meet your dog’s specific needs.

Maintain a Nutritional Routine

Consistency is key to maximizing the benefits of supplements. N-UTRIPROTECT can be given daily to protect joints, while N-UTRIBOOST and LONG RUN bars can be used before or after activities to support energy and recovery.

Monitor Weight

It is crucial to monitor the weight of your disabled dog. Excessive weight gain can worsen joint and tendon issues. By incorporating low-calorie N-UTRIBOOST and using LONG RUN bars strategically, you can help your dog maintain a healthy weight while staying active.


Disabled dogs can lead a more comfortable and active life with the right nutritional support. PRO TEAM products, such as N-UTRIPROTECT, N-UTRIBOOST, and LONG RUN bars, are specifically formulated to meet the needs of dogs with fragile joints, strained tendons, and increased weight management needs. By integrating these supplements into your dog’s daily routine, you help strengthen their joint health, maintain their energy, and control their weight, thus offering them a better quality of life. For personalized advice on choosing the most suitable supplements for your dog, feel free to contact our team.

Discover the PRO TEAM range on our sales site: www.supercroquettes.com

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